An extraordinary meeting of the Verkhovna Rada - step to get the help from IMF

Ukraine now has a very real chance of release from geo-political and financial-economic crises.
This we see from the steps that have been implemented by the President of Ukraine and Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine. And this is certainly is not enough; we need the infusion of additional financial resources from the outside. The economic situation is such that it does not contribute to the generation of a sufficient volume of the gross domestic product, which in turn has a negative impact on revenues of a necessary currency. An important point should be the provision of a loan from the International Monetary Fund.
It is clear that the primary stabilization of negative trends in the economic situation are efforts to end fighting in the East. In this direction there are positive trends. This is the first step in providing assistance.
The second step was the holding on the March 2, 2015 extraordinary plenary session of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament), which adopted a package of bills aimed at further cooperation with the IMF. For the utterances of the Prime Minister: "the Adoption of this package of bills and decision by the International monetary Fund will enable us to obtain not just the loans to repay external debts or to replenish international reserves. This will give us the ability to unlock in the current year $ 3.5 billion of direct investments in the Ukrainian economy".
A positive signal to international financiers is that officials promptly came to an agreement with parliamentarians, while the differences were significant. Thus, the evaluation of different sources of Ukraine, in case of positive decision of the Board of Directors of the IMF before the end of March should receive 4 to 10 billion U.S. dollars.
Andriayan Fitio