Activists of "Community Development" were invited as observers during the election of the Chairman and Deputy of Economic Court of Lviv region

Members of the public visited the Economic Court of Lviv region, where they controlled the process of re-election of chairman and deputies of the court.

On April 16 in the Economic Court of Lviv region a re-election of judges on the head and deputies of the Economic Court were held. Among presented were representatives of the public, including activists of the NGO "Community Development" and journalists. The public was invited as observers the independence and transparency of the meeting.


As a result of the meeting the chairman of the Economic Court of Lviv region - Yurkevych M. V. – was selected. 31 of 33 people gave their vote for him. The deputies of the chairman became - Artymovych V.M. and Chorniy V.Z., who scored 21 votes.

 “The meeting was conducted within the Law of Ukraine" On the Judicial System and Status of Judges " from 07.07.2010 № 2453-VI. No violations were recorded. We welcome elected Chairman and Deputies of Economic Court. However, as an active civil society institutions we reserve the right to make control as the activities of a newly appointed judges and court staff as a whole "- shared with the public, lawyer of the NGO "Community Development" Yuriy Tatomyr.