Saturday studio for the youngest in our public room

Last Saturday began a course of lessons with children of preschool age.

Though the audience was quite a little one, we decided not to waste time in vain, and to start to work.

The kids created sketches and tried to sign them by their names,based on the fairy tale "The Wizard of Oz" about a girl Ellie, that managed  to come in the initiated country “Zhuvuniv” and wanted to come back home. Also, the girls tried to read short words themselves. Counting in English, they received the consolation prize –a bar of chocolate. At the end of the classes we cut from colored paper the flowers of patriotic colors.

The next class is scheduled for Saturday, November 29th. The famous children's writer  - Lyubov Viduta will come to us with heir incredibly beautiful illustrated book.
Nica Nicaleo
writer, journalist