Charitable assistance for schoolgirl

Thanks to not indifferent to other people's problems,  the semi-orphan received a new backpack filled with school supplies

In the beginning of the month with a request to provide assistance to the schoolgirl, to a Charitable Foundation "Community Development" came the girl's mother - Inna Kyrychenko. The woman, who herself raises three children, has a critical financial situation. The only income of the family is the disability pension of a mother which is 1049 UAH. Most of the things needed for the girl to study, a woman can not afford.

Within a few days after receiving the list of everything the school girl need, we managed to collect a backpack full of all goodness. Fortunately, there were benefactors who helped to collect the child to school, transferring funds and purchasing books and other school supplies. In particular, we Express our gratitude for the support to Olga Petrenko, Zoriana Starosolska and Lviv firm White Sand for a discount on buying a school bag.

The mother and the girl were very happy with the received gifts and pleasantly surprised from the fact that we managed to raise money in such a short time.