Children with special needs attended the first in Ukraine Anticinema

NGO "Community Development" arranged for special children from the 104th boarding-school screening of the animated film about human emotions. The session took place in the first in Ukraine Anticinema "Rock fellow".
In the framework of the social project "Day of the young spectator" the seven pupils of the Lviv specialized boarding - school №104 watched the movie " Inside Out ".
In the cartoon, human emotions have been personified and shown as little people. The story of how they coexist in our heads is very pleased with the young audience. Children with special delight "experienced" all the vicissitudes of life of the protagonist.
  • The cartoon was very good. There were the little men. They ran a lot, cried and laughed. I laughed too, -told little Raman
Recall that in the framework of the project "Day of the young spectator","Community Development" will organize for children visits to the cinema.