Chervonograd branch of NGO again organized cleaning in hometown

On July 23 activists of the Chervonohrad branch of the "Community Development" organized the cleaning of places of rest on the Bank of the Western Bug.
At a time when outside the sun is shining, nice weather outside the window, all of us loves spending time on nature. But very often, these tourist spots are riddled with trash. Public figures, decided to gather the inhabitants of the city and to reclaim contaminated sites. The activists are thus trying to promote a healthy lifestyle, maintaining cleanliness and instill a responsibility for the welfare of their homes.

When people see that the place is already dirty, then they think that their trash will not change the picture, and clog it even more. Have a lot of hope that cleaned place will affect people and they will think that is not so hard to take the garbage with them and throw it in designated places. – tells Taras

In the event the took part the activists of the branch of the NGO "Community Development", civil corpa "Azov", UNA-UNSO and concerned citizens of Chervonograd.
We will remind, Chervonograd Department of NGO "Community Development" has already held the cleanup "Start with yourself!" on July 9.